
Houses and Buddy System

“The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.” - Margaret Carty

All pupils at St Paul’s Juniors belong to one of our four houses: Ash, Beech, Oak or Thorn.

The house system helps to foster team spirit across the school with pupils being supportive of, and being supported by, their house community.

The four houses permeate the daily life of the school, from the high profile events such as Sports Day where each pupil’s contribution counts towards points for his house, to the daily awards of house points for effort, achievements and behaviour. The pupils are recognised for their endeavours with certificates and prizes at different house point milestones which they can track themselves via an app.. Each term the house with the most house points will win the much-coveted House Cup.

House Captains

Captains and Vice Captains are Third Year pupils that have been elected to provide positive role models for their house. It is their job to help run house meetings, which celebrate the achievements and promote the further success of their house.

House Families

Each house is split into smaller families that contain children from across the year groups. The children will often complete activities by working together within their family. These families encourage pupils of different age groups to get to know each other within their houses through a range of activities and competitions, which require their cooperation to achieve a common goal and which foster a sense of allegiance to their house.

Buddy System

The house system also contributes to pastoral care within the school through our house buddies structure. Older pupils are assigned a buddy two years below them and are asked to look out for them around the school. These buddies are also in their house family and are able to answer any questions and help out with minor difficulties. They help ensure that other pupils are being kind to their buddy and that they are happy in the playground. Buddies sit and work together in house meetings and support each other in house competitions and events.


House Christmas Tree Decorating
House Christmas Tree Decorating
Handmade Christmas Decorations
House Christmas Tree Decorating
House Christmas Tree Decorating
House Christmas Tree Decorating
House Christmas Trees