
Physical Education

We take pride in delivering a fun, innovative and relevant curriculum in which every pupil will flourish.

We attach tremendous value to this subject. We believe that high quality Physical Education will provide our pupils with the fundamental movement patterns they need to succeed in a wide range of sporting activities.

Each year, pupils take lessons in gymnastics, swimming, fitness and athletics. They also experience indoor games including bench ball, rackets, badminton, volleyball, dodgeball, unihoc, fives and squash.

By the end of their time at St Paul’s Juniors, pupils will have studied a comprehensive gymnastics curriculum, including a hugely popular parkour syllabus.

During their swimming lessons, in addition to technique, pupils compete in yearly house swimming races and play water polo matches against other schools. Water polo replaces swimming lessons in the final year at St Paul’s Juniors.

As part of their preparation for sports day, pupils work towards a quadrathlon athletics award in the earlier years and a pentathlon athletics award in their senior years at St Paul’s Juniors. We place enormous value on the importance of learning how to run simply and sprint with efficiency in both fitness and athletics lessons.

The overall aim of our Physical Education curriculum is to focus on less content but to reinforce all learning so that progress is always guaranteed. We take pride in delivering a fun, innovative and relevant curriculum in which every pupil will flourish.